Hello To All, As you all know we started migration process but it did not end successfully because the load balancing servers' OS were obsolete. So we have to upgrade their OS 1-by-1 to be able to migrate. There are more than 60 servers to be upgraded so the next migration process will start on Monday. We hope this time it will be done ... Read More »
What is news after update/upgrade?Higher security including:- There will be no more line hacks- Lines won't be leaked anymore- No more hacks for MAG boxesEach user/reseller can have his/her own special bouquetEach user/reseller can rename streamsEach user/reseller can sort streams based on their own preferenceAnd many more options which we will ... Read More »
Hi All, ✋
Tonight we have a big update for our system and dashboard, many new options added to our system, after update finished,
Upgrade and update take around 6-8h . Today at 00:00 started,
Thanks for your patient and sorry for inconvenience that we may have caused.
Kind Regards